Call for Papers – Amílcar Cabral at 100: Liberation and Legacy


Carlos Lopes – The Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town

Aurora Almada e Santos – Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA University of Lisbon

Pedro Goulart – Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies, Institute of Social and Po-litical Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa


Amílcar Cabral, a towering figure in the fight against colonialism and a leading intellectual force in the struggle for the independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde and beyond, con-tinues to be an influential reference for the study of contemporary Africa as we approach the commemoration of his 100th anniversary in 2024. Cabral’s impact transcends the temporal confines of his era, and his enduring relevance lies in his visionary leadership, revolutionary ideologies, and commitment to social justice. As a key architect of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cabo Verde (PAIGC), Cabral not only orchestrated a successful armed struggle against Portuguese colonial rule but also championed comprehensive state-building programs that addressed the socio-economic needs of the liberated territories. His emphasis on grassroots empowerment, education, and the intersectionality of global challenges underscores his forward-thinking approach, making Cabral a timeless icon in the quest for human rights and self-determination.

Cabral’s intellectual legacy is a multifaceted tapestry encompassing ideological, strategic, relational, inspirational, and post-colonial dimensions. At its core, Cabral’s ideological framework was a powerful tool to challenge colonial dominance, emphasising the fusion of national liberation with cultural resurgence. His toolkit for resistance featured diverse methods, including armed struggle, state-building initiatives, diplomacy, and effective communication strategies.

The networking dimension showcases Cabral’s adeptness in cultivating connections with sympathetic nations, international organisations, non-state actors, and individuals globally. His ideas have transcended borders, becoming a source of inspiration for individuals and groups worldwide engaged in struggles against oppression.

In the post-colonial realm, Cabral’s memory and ideas shape ongoing discussions on identity and governance after colonialism. Simultaneously, the iconic dimension reflects the sustained scholarly interest in Cabral’s figure, particularly by academics from the Global South, highlighting the enduring relevance of his contributions to post-colonial studies, political theory, and social movements. Cabral’s profound impact extends far beyond the historical context of Guinea and Cabo Verde, leaving an indelible mark on the global discourse on liberation, identity, and self-determination.

To delve into the intricate dynamics marking the conclusion of Portuguese colonial rule in Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde, the Cadernos de Estudos Africanos plans to release a special issue in December 2024 centered on Amílcar Cabral. This thematic edition aims to leverage Ca-bral’s influential persona as a foundational lens, exploring diverse analytical trajectories to shed light on his role in shaping the statehood evolution of Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde.

Submission deadline: March 2024.

Expression of Interest: January 15th 2024

Submission guidelines include original papers in Portuguese or English, double-spaced text in Times New Roman, size 12, with margins no less than 3 cm. Papers should not exceed 60,000 characters (about 30 pages), including spaces, notes, bibliography, tables, graphs, and figures. Each paper must feature a title, abstract (up to 120 words), and six keywords in Portuguese and English. References should follow APA style.